Sunday 9 February 2014

Gym Story #1

Do you know what's better than a productive day? Nothing. Nothing is better than a productive day. I've crossed off no less than 10 things from next week's 'to do' list, and I feel great.

But I'm not here to talk about my day. I'm here to talk about Tuesday. I was pumped to hit the gym after finding a new workout from to aid me in my muscle-building quest (post coming later this week - they even have printable workout logs! Amazing!), so I arrived at 8.30 pm feeling optimistic, and not a little excited to pick up some barbells and put them down again several times. 

However, arriving at this time meant I had to go into the mixed gym. I don't like going in here, because I actually feel quite intimidated; when I started going, one of the trainers did an excellent job of making me feel like a complete imbecile because I didn't know what every machine did. Torn between going another day and my desperate desire to play with the barbells, I decided to man up. 

After a successful and sweaty workout whereby I caught a couple of admiring glances for deadlifting 30kg (4 sets of 10 reps, yessss), I stepped confidently on to the treadmill to cool down. When I was finished, I stepped off the treadmill and walked to the exit.

I forgot there was a step down from the treadmill area. I did one of those awkward, fall-but-not-falls. My arms flailed. I did what any human would do in this situation - pretended to find it really funny and quickly left, hoping nobody had seen. 

But I have to go back... The barbells...

This week, the redesign should commence, so I'm planning lots of regular features I want to start including on my blog. Gym mishaps will definitely be one of them, as will interesting tales from my life with Ernest. If you have any suggestions, let me know!


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